Skycurser : nouveau shmup JAMMA en développement

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Super Grand Nevrosé
Messages : 5991
Inscription : 08 sept. 2006, 13:02
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Localisation : Bruxelles

What is Skycurser

"SKYCURSER" is a horizontal, meat-on-metal, shoot ‘em up (shmup) that is in active development for JAMMA compatible arcade cabinets. Strong influences on the game include Id Software's Doom, Nazca's Metal Slug, Namco's Splatterhouse, James Cameron's The Terminator and Michael Jackson's Thriller. In this game, a lone pilot in a one of a kind airplane battles humans, animals, and machines infected by a plague-like disease emitted from a star. The goal of the pilot is to survive waves of enemies by “bursting” them open in spectacularly gory fashion with a brutal yet practical arsenal of weapons - machine gun, shotgun and katana blade. In order to progress the storyline, the pilot must remain untouched by enemy objects. The game ends either by the death of the pilot or destroying the source of the infection.

Below are some compressed GIFs of pre-alpha SKYCURSER gameplay. Obviously, while the best way to experience SKYCURSER is through arcade hardware, GIFs do a good job of capturing the "feel" we are going for. Expect to see updates to the GIF library as development progress continues.



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Empereur Bydo
Messages : 3433
Inscription : 01 oct. 2010, 12:33
Localisation : Montpellier (34)

alors autant ça a l'air très cool, autant la TAILLE DU SPRITE DU VAISSEAU DU JOUEUR me laisse perplexe...
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King Fossile
Messages : 15818
Inscription : 12 juil. 2004, 18:04
Localisation : nstc-j

Pareil que Yom !
Par contre ça a l'air vraiment travaillé !
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Inscription : 22 mai 2003, 19:02
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Même remarque pour la taille du sprite, par contre il a l'air bien chouette. Je me demande si ils ont fait leur propre PCB ou si ils ont récup certains jeux pour les reprogrammer.
Toaplan Legendary Series
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L'âge mou
Messages : 1877
Inscription : 05 mars 2013, 13:44

Aussi grand que soit ce sprite, il disparait complètement derrière le décor constitué de nuages pendant une phase de combat de boss.
J'imagine qu'ils font ça pour masquer la monotonie/absolue chiance/néant de l'imaginaire d'une suite de niveau " dans les nuages". Mais personnellement je mettrais ça en début de stage.

Le cadre avec le prince Laurent est aussi très encombrant .
Le temps d'apprendre à vivre il est déjà trop tard.
King Fossile
Messages : 12165
Inscription : 02 sept. 2008, 14:26
Localisation : une lionne, des cerisiers, une pomme et...des rats!!!

en tout cas, l'univers semble très sympatoche
MA CHAÎNE YOUTEUB : ... Eig/videos

L'environnement en ville, un bruyant ronronnement.

fat cape et prise de Tate
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Messages : 10034
Inscription : 22 mai 2003, 19:02
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Mako a écrit :Le cadre avec le prince Laurent est aussi très encombrant .
Oui ils auraient du le faire plus petit et le placer en haut comme dans UN Squadron.
Toaplan Legendary Series
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Radiant Silverpost
Messages : 1151
Inscription : 09 sept. 2009, 10:21
Localisation : Paris 13e

Ce qui m’intéresse surtout, c'est que les mecs vont produire leur propre PCB, et ça c'est très fort!
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Counter Stop
Messages : 7599
Inscription : 22 mai 2003, 17:31
Localisation : Paris
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Ils vont peut-être sacrifier des Deathsmiles.

Sinon c'est juste Metal Slug en shmup:
- le style graphique
- les armes (shotgun, machine gun, couteau, non mais sans deconner...)
- la taille des sprites
- les explosions
- l'humour décalé

Mais j'ai l'impression que la phase shmup de MS3 est plus réussie que ce jeu. J'y crois pas une seconde, désolé...
"HYPER GAGE : 500%"
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Super Grand Nevrosé
Messages : 5991
Inscription : 08 sept. 2006, 13:02
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Localisation : Bruxelles

Si le level design et le game design me laissent perplexe, au moins le rythme semble soutenu. Faut voir.
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Shmuppeur turgescent
Messages : 4912
Inscription : 15 juil. 2009, 13:21

Sur le premier gif il galère bien avec le pistolet à eau qui lui sert de canon. Symptôme classique de l'euro shmup je prévois une belle merde. :aaah:
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King Fossile
Messages : 15818
Inscription : 12 juil. 2004, 18:04
Localisation : nstc-j

Lole a écrit :Sur le premier gif il galère bien avec le pistolet à eau qui lui sert de canon. Symptôme classique de l'euro shmup je prévois une belle merde. :aaah:
Hmmm en effet, et il le détruit vraiment au dernier moment, alors que dans un shmup on devrai être capable de tout détruire (du moins ce que se présente à l'écran), je trouve ça hyper frustrant de laisser des grosses cibles s'échapper !

Et comme dit plus haut, le petit avatar du pilote est encombrant et perso je trouve ça asse ridicule ! comme si ils avaient voulu transposer la tronche que font les persos de ms quand ils tirent !

Après les critiques fusent mais ce ne sont que les screens d'un jeu pas terminés et en cours de déveleoppement et d'ajustage !
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L'âge mou
Messages : 1877
Inscription : 05 mars 2013, 13:44

Alec a écrit :Après les critiques fusent mais ce ne sont que les screens d'un jeu pas terminés et en cours de développement et d'ajustage !
Perso, c'est parce que je suis frustré et jaloux.
:o :oooh:
Le temps d'apprendre à vivre il est déjà trop tard.
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Counter Stop
Messages : 8244
Inscription : 06 sept. 2012, 19:14
Localisation : Canado-Normand

On voit dans le 3ème gif que le masque de collision n'est pas 1:1 (heureusement).

Je serais moins catégorique que vous, ça a l'air sympathique, j'ai envie de donner sa chance au produit.

Par contre ça pourrait être une bonne idée de mettre l'alpha à disposition pour recueillir des commentaires sur les équilibrages à effectuer afin d'avoir le temps de corriger le tir avant la version finale.
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El Smarto
Messages : 2521
Inscription : 18 oct. 2006, 18:31
Localisation : Rennes

C'est clair que niveau repompe de sprites, ça se pose là, y a même le boss final de metal slug 3 un poil reskinné.
Tatsujin Oh c'est plus chiant que Euro Truck Simulator 2
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Sniper Fou
Messages : 316
Inscription : 16 févr. 2011, 18:39

Vidéo in-game :

Elle en possède des boutons la borne dédiée ^^ :

- Dev - Hacks - Homebrews - Games - Demos -
Radiant Silverpost
Messages : 1050
Inscription : 24 mai 2003, 11:51
Localisation : perdu à bruxelles

Pour ce qui est du rip,
je dirai , à partir d'un moment, si on aime bien les grosses gatling à la metal slug ,
et ce type d'explosion, y a pas 36 manières de dessiner ça ( surtout en peu de pixels ).

James town aussi référence vachement cette palette de couleurs pour les explosions.
Je pense qu'après 30 ans de shmup on peut se permettre que ça ressemble à un truc existant.
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Radiant Silverpost
Messages : 1151
Inscription : 09 sept. 2009, 10:21
Localisation : Paris 13e

Guess what?

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Quelle boule ?
Messages : 1265
Inscription : 20 sept. 2013, 22:11
Localisation : Strasbourg

Il parait pas mal ce cheux mou peux !
Panem et circenses
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Radiant Silverpost
Messages : 1151
Inscription : 09 sept. 2009, 10:21
Localisation : Paris 13e


Je prépare un petit article pour vous détailler un peu l'évolution des mises à jour, les intentions des dévs etc... d'ici la soirée du 08 octobre ou vous pourrez le découvrir
King Fossile
Messages : 12165
Inscription : 02 sept. 2008, 14:26
Localisation : une lionne, des cerisiers, une pomme et...des rats!!!

ah j'suis dégouté de pas pouvoir en être tiens!
MA CHAÎNE YOUTEUB : ... Eig/videos

L'environnement en ville, un bruyant ronronnement.

fat cape et prise de Tate
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Radiant Silverpost
Messages : 1151
Inscription : 09 sept. 2009, 10:21
Localisation : Paris 13e

Pour ceux qui sont passé à la soirée Coin-Op de ce week-end, hésitez-pas à faire vos retours ici.
Pour les autres, on vous attends lors des prochaines soirées (et le jeu sera aussi présent à la PGW 2016).

Il est actuellement en « work in progress », en version 16.7.10. Les développeurs proposent des mises à jour régulières et vous êtes donc tous cordialement invités à venir vos retours pour aider au développement du jeu.

SKYCURSER Update: 16.7.10
Spoiler :
This is the first of many updates designed to directly address the player and operator feedback we received since our alpha launch and crushes all known game-breaking bugs! Check out the info below for details.

New Gameplay Features:

A beautiful new attract mode sequence that helps bring context to the SKYCURSER story
Player death triggers an explosion that kills enemies within the blast radius. This helps the player recover when dying in large enemy swarms.
Wifi capability has been introduced via the Operator Menu. We will begin shipping wifi adapters very soon. Wireless game updates and global high scores are coming!

Balance Updates:

The Shotgun bullet spread and reach (distance) have been reduced significantly
Gaki tentacle wind-up for whip slash is twice as long
The player’s jet moves 20% faster when the vulcan cannon (minigun) is equipped
The Minigun has gained a half-second, heavy-burst shot upon button press
Player invulnerable twice as long upon death

Bugs Squashed / Defects fixed:

[GAME BREAKER] Mission #2, helicopter glitch that causes an error screen
[GAME BREAKER] Gameplay paused during continue sequence
[GAME BREAKER] Enemies never come after 1st carrier in mission: 1
Attract mode per level limited to 30 seconds of play
Julio and Cesar death bug, SKYCURSER defeats them but they don’t fall off screen
Sebastian anchor bug, boomerang spinning anchor stays on screen sometimes for 10 seconds

As always, thanks a ton for your continued support. Let us know what you think of these new gameplay updates, go and play at one of our fantastic locations!
Si vous ne l'avez pas lu, il y a une longue interview des développeurs ici: ... /88964812/

« Nous voulions que les gens se sentent comme si en 2016, ils avaient découvert un jeu qu'ils auraient manqué au début des années 90 » Brad Smith
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Empereur Bydo
Messages : 3326
Inscription : 24 déc. 2010, 11:28

Je remets comme indiqué mon retour sur ce topic :
Spoiler :
Hello SkyCurser devs.
I played all of the three available stages but haven't reached the stage 3 boss. As such, my comments will focus on everything else.

Things I liked :

-The ship movement feels good, not too slow, and mostly not too fast. It might be a little bit difficult to do some very small dodges but that didn't really hindered my enjoyment of the game.

-The vulcan has some nice firepower. It seems different compared to the videos I saw online where it didn't look powerful. Glad to realize while playing that it is actually not the case.

-Slashing things with the katana is satisfying and I like that you can reflect some enemy projectiles Sin&Punishment-style with it.

-Pixel-art is top-notch and SkyCurser really looks like it could have been an 90s arcade game. Many props to you for avoiding the common pitfalls of "retro-wannabe" games that do not look like 80s/90s games at all.

-SkyCurser shows lots of personality in its visual design as well as in the way its bosses appear on the screen. It makes them feel more alive, kinda like in G-Darius.

-The three jauge system is a clever way to push the player towards using all its weapons and rewarding them for it. Reminds me a bit of Milestone shmups that power-up each weapon individually whenever you use them though the weapon set-up is a bit different in those games with shot+sword+shield instead.

-Stage level design seems suited to switching weapons regularly.

-Plane size seemed a bit big on the videos, but in-game, the level design seems mostly fit for it.


Things I didn't like : (and like the proper French person I am, I'll rant a lot about stuff I don't like~)

-Boss patterns. Or should I say "Boss Instant Death moves". If the game were in an actual arcade and I put a credit in it, I would swear to never touch that game ever again in my entire life after having all my lives stolen by completely unfair attacks that have zero build-up or warning and take up the whole width or height of the screen.

Let's take Boss 1 for instance (the blue skull-octopus hybrid). It shoots bullets and lasers at you and then all of a sudden, its arm extends at the speed of light and if you are anywhere in front of the boss, which you will since you want to shoot at it, you instantly die. There is absolutely no way on earth to know the boss is going to do that unless you were already killed by it. To add insult to injury, that's not even the only unfair attack this boss has. When it exits the screen (with or without the tank), you have no way to know it is going to drop from above unless you were already killed by it. I don't think I saw any shadow or anything to tell us the boss would try to crush us from above.

Boss 2 has the exact same problem with its forward punch which is way too fast and its sudden uppercut that is not telegraphed at all.

Oddly enough, stage 1 boss shows you understand the concept of telegraphing attacks as the laser has a clear visual warning and you if you get killed by it, it is mostly your fault. The other attacks with large hitboxes would really benefit from that kind of fore-warning.

I don't know if this "memorizer" approach was intended or not (and based on the fact that stages are free of that bullshit, I would say it wasn't), but even if it were, that's not the way to do things. As it is, it is a real turn-off.

Furthermore, the few fair attack patterns such as the Boss1 purple laser+bullets or the Boss 2 flying rotating debris or green bullets seemed quite easy in comparaison, and maybe even too easy. If the boss difficulty only comes from those attacks that have to be learned by heart, then the bosses are going to be a cakewalk for somebody who knows exactly all the traps to avoid. A frustrating cakewalk as a slight timing mistake means instant unfair death but a cakewalk nonetheless.

Additional note : it seems Boss1 can kill you while getting into position before the fight, right after it taunts you and disappears and before it starts shooting/slashing at you. I suggest disabling the boss hitbox during that movement.

-The shotgun. It is completely useless. (*insert Dio shouting MUDA MUDA MUDA!*) I only use it because I want to fill the jauge and get a super in stock but often come to regret it soon afterwards. Enemy attacks are not what kills me the most during stages, it is actually the temptation to fill the shotgun jauge that does.

The issue with this weapon is twofold. First of all, as a crowd-control weapon that works at mid-range, that thing's terrible fire rate means using this weapon to destroy swarms of small fry will get you killed by one of them ramming into your ship during the second or so between two shots. But it wouldn't be that bad if this weapon was instead made to quickly deal with mid-sized ennemies who don't move too fast and stay at the right side of the screen.

That's when the second reason this weapon is useless kicks in : at close range, the katana is just simply better at almost everything. It has fast fire-rate, can deflect projectiles, is very powerful, and you can shoot with the vulcan at the same time. Speaking of that last advantage, combining the shotgun with the katana does not alleviate the problem given that it still means using the shotgun is handicapping yourself and you have to use the katana as a crutch. Besides, why do that when Vulcan + Katana is better? Not to mention the situations where you simply want to fill the shotgun jauge and using the katana alongside it "steals" kills and therefore jauge from the shotgun.

It is possible that later stages have more dangerous mid-sized ennemies where the slight difference in range between the katana and the shotgun can dissuade you from using the former weapon, but I didn't feel this in the demo stages at least.

Unlike the Milestone set-up I mentionned earlier where every weapon has a clear role (large shot, powerful close-range sword and defensive shield), the issue here is that the katana and the shotgun kinda compete with each other. Balancing those two so that each has a distinctive purpose and usefulness is not gonna be easy, but I think it needs to be done, especially with the super system that punishes you for ignoring any of the weapons (which wouldn't be a problem if all weapons are useful and fun to use).

-Boss HP seemed too high. Enough to have them repeat their patterns a bit.

-Minor one : Some small missiles shot by the boat on stage 3 seemed destructible gien how they look like, but they were not.


Things I suggest :

-Aside from changing the main shot button's function from vulcan to shotgun, is there any other change when switching weapons with the C button that I am not aware of? If not, then make C use the shotgun instead. It will be much more comfortable to have each weapon on a specific button than having to press the switch button and then press the shot button again.

Besides, it is much less confusing during hectic moments when you simply immediatly want to use your vulcan or your shotgun when in a pinch. This solution also has the benefit of not changing the overall number of required buttons to play the game and also fixes an issue I noticed with the super : I managed to trigger a super attack by pressing all three buttons at the same time after the jauges were full. I don't know if there are other ways to trigger it, but in this case, it meant the super attack forced a weapon change and you had to press C again afterwards before going back to the shot type you used beforehand. That won't be a problem anymore with this new button configuration.

As for the plane's visual stance which changes with the weapon change, simply have it be the stance associated with the last weapon used (between the vulcan and the shotgun) and simply have it change at the same time the player uses the weapon that is not associated with the current stance.

-Reflected bullets have the exact same sprite as before. This can very confusing with the small slow purple bullets for instance where it may not be 100% clear that the bullet is not hazardous anymore.

-Are your bosses timed? Dunno if they are and I suppose you already know it, but just in case : they absolutely must time-out after a while. Otherwise, a run can theoretically last forever.

-You clearly have to implement a scoring system. Mere "kills" ain't gonna cut it. A basic scoring system with fixed invariant point values depending on the enemy type could have been enough if you didn't want to have anything too fancy, but the thing is, your weapon system actually has a lot of room for interesting ideas. Enemies killed by supers can yield more points (Given the speed at which jauges recharge during a boss, I would advise against increasing point value for bosses killed this way though), and so can stuff destroyed by reflected bullets. You can keep the "kills" count as an end-of-stage bonus that yields more points the more enemies you killed for example, it doesn't need to be completely ditched. Rewarding more points for enemies killed with a specific weapon is something I would advise against though, as you limit the player freedom when it comes to enjoying the "fun toys" you give them and turns scoring into Simon Says.

Besides, there is one problem your kill count actually alleviates and renders null : boring boss milking. When implementing a scoring system, make sure to avoid having it encourage boss milking. Well, the current boss patterns don't allow for that anyway given that as far as I know, no cannon fodder is spawned during boss fights. But you should keep that in mind if you implement a scoring system.


Closing thoughts :

SkyCurser clearly has a lot of potential and I was glad to have tried it out during the Coin-Op Legacy event as it cleared up a bunch of misconceptions and wrong impressions your initial videos gave me. However, it still has a bunch of annoying quirks and is still rough around the edges despite solid core foundation and mechanics.

I wish you good luck for the rest of your project (and especially for the shotgun balancing) and look forward to seeing how you will complete and fine-tune the game in the next few months!
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King Fossile
Messages : 25995
Inscription : 28 févr. 2004, 00:08

Je n'ai finalement pu faire qu'une petite poignée de parties donc je développerai après m'être penché plus longuement dessus, mais voilà très rapidement une petite liste des principaux défauts que j'ai trouvés au jeu :
  • - Les ennemis popcorn manquent de variété (en fait, si je ne dis pas de bêtises, il n'y en a qu'un)

    - Le shotgun semble inefficace au possible, même contre les gros ennemis. Finalement on ne l'utilise que pour recharger sa jauge afin de lancer l'attaque spéciale.

    - Certaines attaques des boss sont absolument impossibles à anticiper, alors OK une fois qu'on a compris on ne se fait plus avoir, mais tout de même, il y a des limites

    - Points faibles / périodes d'invulnérabilité des boss pas toujours évidents à comprendre

    - J'ai ressenti des chutes de frame rate lors des passages chargés (pas des ralentissements, des chutes de frame rate), ça donne une sensation assez désagréable

    - Le "manuel" indique qu'on peut réaliser différentes attaques spéciales en combinant certains boutons, mais au final on n'en a trouvé qu'une seule.

    - Il m'est arrivé que lancer l'attaque spéciale change mon tir, il faudrait empêcher ça

    - Le scoring system m'a semblé un peu trop basique, en gros un ennemi tué = 1 point, j'espèrais plus de subtilités (le high score de la soirée était dans les 1400 points si je me souviens bien, on n'est pas obligé de faire dans du Gigawing non plus mais en l'état ça reste un peu triste)