Special Demos #9: Rayforce (Jaimers, 8.01mil ALL)

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Jeune Pad-awan
Messages : 47
Inscription : 30 avr. 2013, 13:39
Localisation : Newcastle, England



#1: Battle Garegga (T3-神威, 20.39mil ALL, Gain)
------ subz: (.xml) (.srt) (.ass)
------ Translated versions: <Italian> <French>

#2: Dodonpachi Daioujou BL (Prometheus, 2.52bn 2-ALL, A-Exy)
------ subz: (.xml)

#3: Battle Garegga (T3-神威, 20.43mil ALL (?), Gain)
------ subz: (.xml)

#4: Mushihimesama (PS2 Arrange ver. - Smraedis, 1.05bn ALL)
------ subz: (.xml)

#5: Dodonpachi Saidaioujou (ver1.5 - RSQ, 151.45bn ALL, A-L)
------ subz: (.xml)

#6: Mushihimesama Futari Black Label (God Mode - NAK, 7.18bn ALL, Reco)
------ original subz by NAK: (.ass)
------ Chinese subz by x91: (.ass)

#7: Battle Garegga (T3-神威, 16.63mil ALL, Wild Snail)
------ subz: (.xml)
------ Eaglet's notes: http://thestudio-uk.com/external/specia ... entary.txt
------ Kamui's original notes: http://thestudio-uk.com/external/specia ... -kamui.rtf

#8: Battle Garegga (T3-神威, 20.83mil ALL (WR), Gain)
------ subz: (.xml)
------ Kamui's original notes: http://thestudio-uk.com/external/specia ... s-kamui.md

#9: Rayforce (Jaimers, 8.01mil ALL)
------ subz: (.xml)
------ Jaimers' original notes: http://thestudio-uk.com/external/specia ... jaimers.md

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm proud to announce the release of the Special Demonstrations, what I hope will become a long-running and successful series of replay releases aimed at showcasing some of the best replays by the best players.

I'll give you a quick backstory of how this came about, slightly abridged for speed:
Icarus a écrit :As you guys already know, I was at Stunfest 2013 this April, and I had travelled to meet the three Japanese players invited to come over and showcase their skills, and meet up with the Western shooting game players who would be at the event. The event itself was hugely successful, and everyone who attended the event had great fun meeting Kamui, NAK and TAC, as well as watching them do their thing on stage.

Towards the end of the final day, I exchanged Twitter details with Kamui and NAK - TAC isn't on social networking sites unfortunately - and I intended to keep in touch with the both of them from then on, to get to know them better, and to share things with them. My first message helpfully translated for me by blackoak, and was of "thanks for coming over such a long distance to France, and hopefully we can keep in touch". A few days later, both of them found me (probably via mutual friends) on Facebook, and sent me a friend request. I accepted, had a chat with them over the next few days. Kamui in particular was interested in the commentary on the video I posted of her 18.9mil run on the Saturday at Stunfest, so we got to talking about it, I explained some of the discussion as she was playing, and she explained some of her strategies she was using, and what differed from her plays released online a while ago.

A couple of days later, Kamui posts a couple of photos of her recent plays at her usual arcade, with the loosely translated comment "I finally got my revenge! K score!", and I thought to myself, "I would have loved to have seen those plays live".

Well, the next day, I got a private message in my inbox, with links to files served on a filesharing site of a series of .vob files taken from DVDs, with the (loosely translated) message, "Here's the replays recorded from the arcade recently. I wanted to send these directly to you. I hope you enjoy watching them. They're unedited raw footage, so feel free to edit them, share them, and add commentary to them as you wish."
And here we are.

While would have been quicker just to rotate, deinterlace and upload the raw footage for sharing, I felt that these plays she kindly sent me deserved better treatment. So I spent three days learning Final Cut Pro X, and put together something that hopefully resembles a commercial replay release. The final exports from Final Cut are in 720p HD at 10Mbps bitrate, with high-quality audio. I decided not to bother with baked-in commentary (as mistakes/changes would take ages to fix via re-encoding), so instead I'm using Youtube's annotations to provide commentary where required.

Hopefully this series will take off somehow. I'd dearly love to get in touch with the other top players of the other selectable ships, probably with the help of adversity1, Prometheus, Erhune and any other Western players who are in contact with the top players, and with the help of Kamui herself if possible. But for now, Kamui herself has assured me that she will try and continue to supply me with footage as she works towards hitting 21mil with Gain. I can't wait to see it when she does.

While I do want to continue to center the Special Demonstrations around Garegga, I am open to working with high-level players of any shooting game. I believe that great players deserve great quality replays, and hopefully this is a step in the right direction.

Enjoy the release! There is more to come. ^_-

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For those who might want offline annotations, zakk has posted some helpful advice:
zakk a écrit :https://github.com/nirbheek/youtube-ass
That might be a bit better than SRT. Also who names a file format ASS?
Edit: The script required a bit of changing (youtube annotation url changed, yes I could have used the existing XML file you have here, shut up) but it does work.
If you download the video via one of the many youtube downloaders, just name the video and ASS file the same, if your player supports ASS it should just work. I tested in VLC and it works well.
For this to work, you'll need to grab the XML file provided for each Special Demonstration you want offline commentary for, and process them into an .ass subtitle file.
Dernière modification par Icarus le 26 janv. 2015, 20:10, modifié 10 fois.
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Counter Stop
Messages : 5572
Inscription : 07 févr. 2010, 01:21
Localisation : Theâtre des Astres

Thanks for the video man ! ^^

Putain, quand je pense que certains se plaignent des chaînes de DDP, niveau contraintes pour scorer c'est quand même bien plus abusé ce Garegga. :D
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Shmuppeur turgescent
Messages : 4369
Inscription : 06 juin 2012, 00:25
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Battle Garegga, le shmup aux 300 secrets.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr3oML ... 1PMwFayKhg
Je tente de faire des streams Deathsmiles chaque soir en ce moment :
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Empereur Bydo
Messages : 3433
Inscription : 01 oct. 2010, 12:33
Localisation : Montpellier (34)

ya Pink Sweets aussi dans le même genre... voir pire !
Radiant Silverpost
Messages : 1451
Inscription : 03 mars 2011, 05:48
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Thx for sharing Icarus, I hope this guide will please unfamiliar 's Garegga shmupers !
I notice that in france, people dont give a shit about this game, cause like Raiden Fighters series, most of the players dont really understand the depth ot the scoring
They just like this game cause of the level design, buy it and sell it quickly cause they can't see the bullets, too small !
Then they reither play Bakraid who corrected the small bullets with bigger bullets when it released
Batrider is now the Raizing to have and most of the shmuppers buy it cause it 's more playable than Garegga, even if this last one is more beautiful

Unfortunaly, there 's not a lot of gamers on Battle Garegga, so I hope with your video 's guide it gone change

Good luck. ;)
Jeune Pad-awan
Messages : 47
Inscription : 30 avr. 2013, 13:39
Localisation : Newcastle, England

ALFARABI a écrit :Thx for sharing Icarus, I hope this guide will please unfamiliar 's Garegga shmupers !
I notice that in france, people dont give a shit about this game, cause like Raiden Fighters series, most of the players dont really understand the depth ot the scoring
They just like this game cause of the level design, buy it and sell it quickly cause they can't see the bullets, too small !

Then they reither play Bakraid who corrected the small bullets with bigger bullets when it released
Batrider is now the Raizing to have and most of the shmuppers buy it cause it 's more playable than Garegga, even if this last one is more beautiful
It's a shame that I've heard these reasons before - some of them I do understand - because I do feel that those who do not give Garegga a second look are missing out on one of the deepest games ever created. The game isn't as flashy as anything by Cave, but the game I believe requires far greater technical knowledge and ability.

It's funny that it's only now, about 8-9 years after I started writing the guide that's on shmupsforum, that people are starting to understand just how good a game it is. I hope you guys will grow into it as well, as we need more good players promoting and enjoying this game.
ALFARABI a écrit :Unfortunaly, there 's not a lot of gamers on Battle Garegga, so I hope with your video 's guide it gone change
Good luck. ;)
I can't say if the replay will change anything, but I hope it gives people a greater appreciation of the game.

Thanks for the comments!
Brute du bouton A
Messages : 251
Inscription : 13 juil. 2010, 10:50

Thanks for the upload and furthermore, for the edit work with all the commentaries.
I don't play this game, but I love watching it, seeing how incredibly deep it is (actually, I don't play shmups that much)
And wonder how on earth the players discovered all those secrets in the first place je suis une endive.
Ma page youtube (avec pas mal de superplays de shmup):
Joystick d'or 2016
Messages : 543
Inscription : 19 sept. 2009, 20:52

Thanks for uploading this video.
The commentary disapears a little bit to fast for my english skills. :D
Great Icarus and Great Kamui!
On peut tromper mille fois une personne...Non c'est pas ca...On peut tromper mille fois mille personne... non plus.. Bref Sarah Connor c'est la porte d'à côté.
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Counter Stop
Messages : 7599
Inscription : 22 mai 2003, 17:31
Localisation : Paris
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Editing seems nice and clean, good job ! I'm one of the unfortunate 'free' clients that pays the 'free-VS-youtube' silly war here so I have troubles seeing this. I surely will have a better look at it soon.
"HYPER GAGE : 500%"
Jeune Pad-awan
Messages : 47
Inscription : 30 avr. 2013, 13:39
Localisation : Newcastle, England

I'm happy to finally release Special Demonstrations #2: Dodonpachi Daioujou Black Label to the public! This replay features our very own Prometheus beasting DOJBL for a 2.52bil 2-ALL with A-Exy, and is an extremely impressive run all round.

This came about more from a general query, replying to a comment made in this thread. I just asked him if he was thinking about doing anything with the MAME input for this score, and things progressed from there. Capturing the source material for the replay was the most difficult, as Cave games have this flickery alternating graphical animation on things like ship shadows that doesn't show up very well on 30fps videos unless you capture in 60fps and then frame interpolate into 30fps.

The biggest problem here was getting the source in 60fps initially, as FRAPS hates emulation - I had to use MAME's aviwrite option to record, but even then the source refused to play ball in anything other than Virtualdub, crashing both avidemux and Final Cut Pro before I could do anything. Eventually managed to get Virtualdub to process the replay into a source file that worked nicely in Final Cut. The actual edit only took a day of work to complete, and the replay was actually uploaded a week ago, but I left Prometheus to annotate the run, as I wanted this one to be commented by the player himself. He also chose the intro track, so don't shoot me for that one. ^_-

I've provided the .xml for the annotations for anyone that wants to translate the annotations for uploading, or wants to convert the .xml into a subtitle file using zakk's method.

Thanks for the assist and the original MAME input, PMT! Enjoy the replay, everyone!
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Ben... yace, quoi
Messages : 29257
Inscription : 30 juin 2003, 18:20
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Insane skills. Thank you for sharing.
Playlist TBYVGS

On nous promet les cieux, nom de Dieu, pour toute récompense
Tandis que ces messieurs, nom de Dieu, s'arrondissent la panse, sang Dieu!
Nous crevons d'abstinence, nom de Dieu, nous crevons d'abstinence!
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1 crédit c'est déjà trop
Messages : 2079
Inscription : 03 avr. 2012, 13:36

Thanks a lot Icarus for uploading this run, and congrats on the great editing and presentation.

What's the opening song ? - reminds me some old AFX work.
Jeune Pad-awan
Messages : 47
Inscription : 30 avr. 2013, 13:39
Localisation : Newcastle, England

The opening track is "Ted" by Chris Clark, selected by PMT for the intro. I kind of like it, although it sounds like an electronic remix of "Tunnel Vision", the stage3 Garegga track I used in Special Demonstrations #1. ^_-
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Joystick d'or 2016
Messages : 537
Inscription : 10 août 2008, 11:10
Localisation : Atoll de Pom Pom Galli

Awesome vids here !

Thanks a lot for the work Icarus. It s always a pleasure to watch such good runs and even better watching them in really good quality with very usefull comments on top of that ! Impressive and instructive <3

I hope you will provide us with even more replays of different game in this special demo serie !

Thanks again \:D/
Decide for yourself and select with buttons \o/

Crimzon Clover steam Nickname : ZeeL

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1 crédit c'est déjà trop
Messages : 2079
Inscription : 03 avr. 2012, 13:36

Icarus a écrit :The opening track is "Ted" by Chris Clark, selected by PMT for the intro. I kind of like it, although it sounds like an electronic remix of "Tunnel Vision", the stage3 Garegga track I used in Special Demonstrations #1. ^_-
Ah Chris Clark - quality stuff! I used to listen to this kind of electronic a lot. The Empty The Bones of You LP is great.
Jeune Pad-awan
Messages : 47
Inscription : 30 avr. 2013, 13:39
Localisation : Newcastle, England

Feedbacker a écrit :
Icarus a écrit :The opening track is "Ted" by Chris Clark, selected by PMT for the intro. I kind of like it, although it sounds like an electronic remix of "Tunnel Vision", the stage3 Garegga track I used in Special Demonstrations #1. ^_-
Ah Chris Clark - quality stuff! I used to listen to this kind of electronic a lot. The Empty The Bones of You LP is great.
First time I've heard it, but it sounds quite good. Might have to check out some more.

Anyway, Yushin has kindly translated the first Special Demonstration into French. Thank you!
You can find it here: http://youtu.be/_L_xuu_tObA
I believe someone was translating #1 and #2 into Spanish…

Special Demonstration #3 is incoming.
Jeune Pad-awan
Messages : 47
Inscription : 30 avr. 2013, 13:39
Localisation : Newcastle, England

Looks like it is time to unleash Special Demonstrations #3: Battle Garegga on the unsuspecting shmupsforum population!

This is another submission by our generous benefactor T3-Kamui, and another Gain replay. This one differs from Special Demonstrations #1 in that it demonstrates a few more of her "new Gain" techniques, which are designed to keep rank high for Black Heart 2 in stage7. A few of these techniques are demonstrated here, and I've annotated in detail where required.

Because of the extra tricks, and also because a number of viewers asked for it, I've added a lot more annotations in places to explain tricks, break up milking phases, and provide some trivia here and there. It was a challenge to keep the annotations short, as Garegga is a technically richer game than Dodonpachi Daioujou, and thus needs more notes to explain things.

There's also a little surprise in this one, but I'm not going to spoil it for you. ^_-

Special Demonstrations #4 is incoming.
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Counter Stop
Messages : 7599
Inscription : 22 mai 2003, 17:31
Localisation : Paris
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keep rank high for Black Heart 2
Blood freezing quote.

Seriously, the rank has to be high to help Black Heart releasing more little mines in one of its patterns, so when you bomb it's more worth it ? I'm right ?
"HYPER GAGE : 500%"
Jeune Pad-awan
Messages : 47
Inscription : 30 avr. 2013, 13:39
Localisation : Newcastle, England

Radigo a écrit :
keep rank high for Black Heart 2
Blood freezing quote.

Seriously, the rank has to be high to help Black Heart releasing more little mines in one of its patterns, so when you bomb it's more worth it ? I'm right ?
That's correct. Mahou ships (excluding Miyamoto in most cases) will be keeping rank up as Black Heart 2 spews more grenades the higher rank is - when you bomb this pattern on the second and third form, it gives you a crapload of points. On my runs I average about between 150-250k per full Weapon used on a low to medium rank play, Kamui plays at high rank and can get as high as 500k or more per full Weapon used. It is extremely lucrative, but the risk is far greater as a result.
Jeune Pad-awan
Messages : 47
Inscription : 30 avr. 2013, 13:39
Localisation : Newcastle, England

I am proud to announce the release of Special Demonstrations #4: Mushihimesama! This one is of the Arrange Mode on the PlayStation 2 port, and features an exclusive run by our very own Smraedis, beasting the game for a massive 1.05bil ALL.

Pretty fun but challenging edit, this one, as the source material was difficult to get into the quality that we both desired, but after a number of tests we finally settled on a transcode that pleased us both. I also wanted to try something a little different with the intro, hopefully people will like it. ^_-

Many thanks to .SM for contributing to the project, and for working closely with me to get this replay out the door at a standard that is true to the Special Demonstrations Project. This one is for you DamDam, in particular, so I hope you enjoy it.
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Counter Stop
Messages : 7599
Inscription : 22 mai 2003, 17:31
Localisation : Paris
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Clean editing as usual. The 720p version is far more beautiful to see than every DVD (even the INH ones that are already good stuff).

For this Mushi, I have an issue with SMRaedis comments. The comment boxes are too small and the text lines are cropped befor the end. Almost all of them. I think this can be fixed in the video comment file (an xml file, right?).

Except this problem, I think the congratulations text in the very end with the name of the player last not long enough to be read properly. I experienced this on SD#2 and SD#3 too (can't remember for SD#1). This text is inside the video so I guess it'll be too painful to edit its length and reencode/reupload everything now... Too bad, they deserve at least twice their length to be completely understandable.

This last episode is a great gift for DamDam! I hope she'll find new patterns and routes to work on with this.
"HYPER GAGE : 500%"
Jeune Pad-awan
Messages : 47
Inscription : 30 avr. 2013, 13:39
Localisation : Newcastle, England

Radigo a écrit :For this Mushi, I have an issue with SMRaedis comments. The comment boxes are too small and the text lines are cropped befor the end. Almost all of them. I think this can be fixed in the video comment file (an xml file, right?).
I've tested this out on all major browsers on both Mac OS and Windows 7, and they all display fine on my end. I haven't heard of any issues from other viewers of the replay, either.
A quick question: do you have some kind of zoom or font-scaling enabled on your browser? (On Mac-based browsers, pressing ⌘+0 resets the zoom and font-scaling to default, I think CTRL+0 does the same thing on PC.)
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Counter Stop
Messages : 7599
Inscription : 22 mai 2003, 17:31
Localisation : Paris
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Ok, I checked out: browser built in zoom doesn't affect this feature, BUT, it's the small standard youtube display style that crops the comments! If I switch to large view its clean.

Quite my fault still...
"HYPER GAGE : 500%"
Jeune Pad-awan
Messages : 47
Inscription : 30 avr. 2013, 13:39
Localisation : Newcastle, England

Radigo a écrit :Ok, I checked out: browser built in zoom doesn't affect this feature, BUT, it's the small standard youtube display style that crops the comments! If I switch to large view its clean.
Yeah, the small display is kind of pointless when most users will be viewing it on something that is at least capable of 720p full display. But don't worry about it, it's a fault with Youtube being retarded and not scaling the annotations correctly than anything else, heh.
Joystick d'or 2016
Messages : 543
Inscription : 19 sept. 2009, 20:52

Great job!
On peut tromper mille fois une personne...Non c'est pas ca...On peut tromper mille fois mille personne... non plus.. Bref Sarah Connor c'est la porte d'à côté.
Jeune Pad-awan
Messages : 47
Inscription : 30 avr. 2013, 13:39
Localisation : Newcastle, England

Special Demonstrations #5: Dodonpachi Saidaioujou ver1.5! ^_-

After happening across the Twitch channel of a Japanese player called RSQ - also known by his XBL handle SSERESS … yes, he of Mushi Futari ver1.01 Ultra ALL fame - and chatting with him as I watched him develop his routes in the game, I sent him a message of congratulations when he posted his 140bil ALL to the leaderboards, and asked him on the off-chance he'd be interested in working on an edit for a 150bil+ run in the near-future.

Well, a week after I sent him the message, he replied saying that he had beaten that 140bil score a couple of days after posting it, and he was up for creating a Special Demonstration. Se we set off to work, and I've been working closely with him to develop the replay to his liking, and to format his annotation script to present all of his sizeable knowledge in the game to the masses. SD #5 is the result of a couple of week's worth of work, and we're very pleased with the end result.

He's currently developing revised routes for ver1.5, as well as dabbling in a Very Hard Difficulty ver1.5 run and something for ver1.5 A-EX. I advise anyone interested in watching exceptional play check out his Twitch channel at http://www.twitch.tv/minamin_ch , and if you've got a Twitch account, send him a message of thanks for contributing to the project, let him know you guys appreciate it. ^_-

Undecided what to do for SD #6, but I'll find something…
Jeune Pad-awan
Messages : 47
Inscription : 30 avr. 2013, 13:39
Localisation : Newcastle, England

Bet you thought the project was dead!

Happy to announce the release of Special Demonstrations #6: Mushihimesama Futari Black Label! This is a God Mode replay featuring WR holder NAK tearing through the game as Reco, scoring 7.18bil and completing the game. Such an amazing run to watch.

A little story: This replay game to me by way of CHI, who visited Japan in December and bumped into our Stunfest friends while he was there. NAK gave him a DVD with this replay on as a gift, and when CHI told me about it over the phone a few days later, I asked him for a copy of it. A few days later and I end up with the original disc in my mailbox. :3
After watching the replay, I messaged NAK on Facebook to ask if it would be okay for me to edit the replay for the series, and he said he wanted to think about it first. I knew he was busy so I didn't push him about it, and almost forgot about it myself until a fortnight later he messaged me back saying it was all cool and he'd like to do a commentary script for the replay, so we set off to work.

This replay was actually completed a month before Stunfest, but I have been waiting for NAK to wrap up his commentary, which took a lot longer than anticipated because he has study commitments. We just finished it off today, so after a bit of checking, we're happy to release it.

A big shout out goes to CHI for sending the replay my way, to Keiko (Erhune's wife who goes by the screen name Paprika) for helping NAK with the translation of the commentary, and of course, NAK himself for agreeing to donate the replay to the project, and for working with me on the edit.

Enjoy the run! It's pretty badass. :>
(SD#7, 8 and possibly 9 already in the pipeline.)
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Ben... yace, quoi
Messages : 29257
Inscription : 30 juin 2003, 18:20
Localisation : Ailleurs...
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NAK is a beast. Indeed.
Awesome gaming, world class skill as expected.
Playlist TBYVGS

On nous promet les cieux, nom de Dieu, pour toute récompense
Tandis que ces messieurs, nom de Dieu, s'arrondissent la panse, sang Dieu!
Nous crevons d'abstinence, nom de Dieu, nous crevons d'abstinence!
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Joystick d'or 2016
Messages : 537
Inscription : 10 août 2008, 11:10
Localisation : Atoll de Pom Pom Galli

Thanks Icarus ! Glad you're keeping up with this serie <3
Decide for yourself and select with buttons \o/

Crimzon Clover steam Nickname : ZeeL

Jeune Pad-awan
Messages : 47
Inscription : 30 avr. 2013, 13:39
Localisation : Newcastle, England

So we come to another Battle Garegga replay for Special Demonstrations #7, featuring our generous benefactor T3-神威. However, this isn't a Gain replay as you'd be expecting from her. ^_-

She recently picked up the Wild Snail again for fun, and after a month or two of practice, bashed out this insane replay for me to edit. This is currently the highest-scoring publicly available Wild Snail replay online - not counting the WR run by Yamanaka Masato which is currently an incomplete download - which makes this run extra special as an archive of strategies with a Garegga ship. I'll not spoil anything that goes on in the replay, however, as it's pretty boss.

I also enlisted Eaglet to write up some commentary for the run, as I felt that it would be better not copy-pasting my annotations from the Gain replays here. Many thanks to Eaglet for both writing the annotations, and for translating Kamui's brief set of notes on her own run as well, which I've sprinkled throughout the run here and there. And of course, much love to Kamui for her continued generosity in providing these runs for me to share with you peeps.


(Also note: Eaglet and I are aware that we might not have translated Kamui's first message accurately, but for want of a better translation I'm leaving it up for the time being. I also need to add my notes to the commentary, but that can be added at a later date.)