Crimzon Clover World Ignition

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Counter Stop
Messages : 8338
Inscription : 12 sept. 2008, 22:54
Localisation : Toulon

Moi non plus. Depuis le temps, j’avais oublié que j’avais commandé un exemplaire aussi !
Youtube, Instagram, Twitter: DrShmup
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Radiant Silverpost
Messages : 1221
Inscription : 03 juin 2018, 22:46
Localisation : Toulouse

On peut toujours rêver, si le jeu sort un jour, qu'il y ait des exemplaires à la vente hors précos.
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Ruineur de Clavier
Messages : 639
Inscription : 14 sept. 2004, 10:38
Localisation : Paris

J'ai envoyé un message à First Press Games il y a quelques mois en demandant une estimation de la date de sortie de Crimzon Clover. Voici (enfin) leur réponse :

Dear Bogardan,
thank you for your message.
The data for Crimzon Clover has been submitted to Nintendo and is currently waiting to clear lot check. It is hard to give you an estimate as this process is done outside our company, but Once we have some more information we will send an update by our newsletter.
We thank you for your patience and understanding.
First Press Games

On peut donc espérer, sans être défaitiste ou marseillais, une sortie pour 2026 au mieux.
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Empereur Bydo
Messages : 3934
Inscription : 07 avr. 2007, 10:54

Des putains d'escrocs.
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Radiant Silverpost
Messages : 1216
Inscription : 24 nov. 2010, 19:46
Localisation : Ille-et-Vilaine

Le 10 septembre ça fera pile 2 ans que j'ai commandé la collector EX.
Faut les pourrir ces incapables.
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Ruineur de Clavier
Messages : 639
Inscription : 14 sept. 2004, 10:38
Localisation : Paris

Version collector EX de nouveau disponible. Les gens en ont marre et annulent leurs précommandes.
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Ruineur de Clavier
Messages : 639
Inscription : 14 sept. 2004, 10:38
Localisation : Paris

Nouveau mail de First Press Games

Dear subscribers,

This newsletter is a follow-up on the previous "2023 Production Update" to inform you of the current status of our releases.

1. Regarding Blazing Rangers (NES Ver*)
You might have heard about the issue at hand with part of our first wave of Blazing Rangers catridges. This problem presented itself during the first mass production (our prototypes were thoroughly tested and fine) and slipped through our quality control, since the issue only happened rarely or after a certain run time.
We have recalled affected cartridges and temporarily halted shipment of new orders to produce a new batch with a completely new circuit board layout, which circumvents any similar issues in the future. These new circuit boards for our cartridges recently arrived and we have processed all the refunds (alternatively a voucher) for the shipping cost to customers who have sent us their affected copy back for a replacement.
We once again apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
In case you avoided this release because you've heard of these previous issues, we can assure you that all copies from now on will work perfectly fine - If you love 8bit arcade games, Blazing Rangers is a modern NES masterpiece that you shouldn't miss out on.
As for the Collector's Edition, we will be going into the details regarding the status and delays in the next section.
(* the Famicom Ver was not affected)

2. Progress update for rest of the products and main reasons for the delay
The things we have mentioned in our previous newsletter are still on going issues and additionally, there are new issues that we have been facing that we will be going into detail below.
Collector's Editions of Rival Megagun, Mulaka, Project Blue (including Kickstarter version), Ginga Force, Natsuki Chronicles (including the SCE that contains both titles) and Blazing Rangers (every edition) - all parts for the titles above are fully manufactured, and we are only waiting for the outer premium boxes that are currently under production. The process has been delayed due to issues with the manufacturing, such as a lack of the print quality, not meeting our criteria, and color mismatch.
Above was the status and progress of our products, however, we have been facing some new issues :
Bankruptcy of the manufacturer responsible for the production process of collector's edition boxes (struggled to find a new manufacturer)
Production was halted due to a serious defect in the new manufacturer's main machine, responsible for the mold-using process.
Limitations of the new manufacturer's technology to accommodate subtle differences in color matching.
The process of printing and manufacturing boxes is not a simple process, but a production line that requires special analog technology and skilled workers, so any problem with any one of these processes could bring everything to a halt.
Although several manufacturers were involved, we were able to re-arrange with one of the few specialized manufacturers who can currently handle this type of technology and production, and although we had to start from scratch again, we were able to bring the product to the point where it could be produced as a complete product through communicating the box manufacturing process one by one,as well as prototype testing.
Underhero (PS4 Ver), Psychotic Adventures (PS4 Ver), Sydney Hunter (PS4 Ver), Chained Echoes (PS4 Ver) have been submitted to SONY and we are currently arranging their submission for production.
Chained Echoes (SW Ver), Psychotic Adventures (SW Ver) and Crimzon Clover have finished the lot check by Nintendo and we are currently arranging the cartridge production with Nintendo. Mindseize and Sydney Hunter (SW Ver) have finished their bug fixing by the developers and are currently going through a lot check by Nintendo.
Unfortunately, we can‘t do much to speed up the submission process, but in the meantime we have assembled delivered parts, and have them ready for when the games themselves finally arrive, as well as boxes/slip cases for different versions are finished.
Neko Navy and Underhero (SW Ver) have their cartridges and all other contents ready , but are currently facing the same box/slip case manufacturing issue we mentioned at the start of this section. They'll immediately start shipping as soon as we receive their sleeve packaging in a flawless state.

3. Assembly process / Precision and quality by human hands
All different versions of the Switch and PS4 releases, every retro-style release, original soundtrack CDs, various merchandise, and even the special folded flyer attached to the first order and the mini-files that contain them are assembled by hand.
Not only are we particular about the colors and materials of our packages and printed materials, but we actually do everything by hand, right down to the packaging, as this is a task that cannot be performed by machine folding or machine production.
We have a department dedicated to handcrafting, where our skilled staff assembles each item to the strictest standards.

Thank you for making it to the last part of this long newsletter.

We appreciate your continued support for our releases as continue to do our best to deliver you the highest quality products available on the video game market.

First Press Games

Courage, plus que 2 ou 3 ans à attendre, on y est presque !!!!!
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Empereur Bydo
Messages : 3934
Inscription : 07 avr. 2007, 10:54

Bogardan a écrit : 11 nov. 2023, 10:40 Courage, plus que 2 ou 3 ans à attendre, on y est presque !!!!!
Jusqu'à la prochaine banqueroute.
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Counter Stop
Messages : 8338
Inscription : 12 sept. 2008, 22:54
Localisation : Toulon

Je mettrai peut être un jour la cartouche dans la Switch 3 :skull:
Youtube, Instagram, Twitter: DrShmup
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Insert Coin
Messages : 8
Inscription : 24 déc. 2023, 12:05

Bon je débarque en retard: il me fait de l’œil ce jeu, mais souci je n ai pas de PC et ne prends pas de jeu en download (la collection tout ça tout ça).

Du coup il existe que sur Switch en précommande en version collector, avec incertitude quant à la livraison depuis deux ans si j ai bien compris ?
Y a pas de version standard dispo plus facilement ?

Je prendrais bien le collector en preco mais les messages de ce thread font un peu peur :)
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Empereur Bydo
Messages : 3934
Inscription : 07 avr. 2007, 10:54

Lostinweb a écrit : 26 déc. 2023, 13:17 Y a pas de version standard dispo plus facilement ?
Malheureusement non, 1st press a l'exclusivité de sortir une version physique de Crimzon. J'ai préco la version standard et même avec ça c'est le vide intersidéral.

Si tu préco une édition collector...c'est que tu aimes prendre des risques :D
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Insert Coin
Messages : 8
Inscription : 24 déc. 2023, 12:05

Oui je n aime pas le risque :(

Tu sais si c est encore possible de preco la standard ?

Tout ce que je trouve c est ça ... -explosion
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Empereur Bydo
Messages : 3934
Inscription : 07 avr. 2007, 10:54

Oui c'est encore possible (1st Press ne va pas se priver de récupérer du fric) :))

C'est ici pour la version standard : ... ar-edition
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Insert Coin
Messages : 8
Inscription : 24 déc. 2023, 12:05

Merci bcp !

Je réfléchis mais la chair est faible et donc je vais sans doute franchir le pas malgré le risque.

J ai raté Kraut Buster je ne tomberai pas deux fois dans le panneau :)
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Messages : 17
Inscription : 27 déc. 2023, 22:28
Localisation : Le sud !

Hey, moi aussi je me tâte à possiblement perdre 40 euros :eek:
Petit nouveau :)
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Ruineur de Clavier
Messages : 639
Inscription : 14 sept. 2004, 10:38
Localisation : Paris

Mail reçu le 8 janvier.

Dear subscribers,
We can’t thank you enough for supporting us throughout the past year.
After a winter break, our teams have already gotten back to work on the 8th of January.
Currently, we are responding to emails received during the break, so please kindly understand that it may take some time to respond to a large number of inquiries.
As written in the previous newsletter, the production department has been operating even during the break, so we have made some progress.
We will go into details about them in the next newsletter coming up shortly.
You can access the previous newsletter here.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the unexpected problems encountered in the production.
Your kind and continuous support will be the greatest motivation for us this year as well.

Deux semaines plus tard et toujours aucune nouvelle, ça m'inquiète de plus de plus. J'ai l'impression qu'ils n'ont pas été fichus de livrer le moindre jeu en 2023. J'espère que toute cette histoire ne va pas finir comme le studio Oniri qui faisait des résines mais ne livrait plus rien depuis des mois...
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Ruineur de Clavier
Messages : 639
Inscription : 14 sept. 2004, 10:38
Localisation : Paris

Un mois plus tard et toujours aucune réponse de FPG...

J'ai trouvé ceci sur le net. Ca sent de plus en plus mauvais :grrr:
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Empereur Bydo
Messages : 3934
Inscription : 07 avr. 2007, 10:54

Sur le net ça commence à prendre les paris pour deviner à quelle date ces Madoff du jeu vidéo vont mettre la clé sous la porte.

Et se barrer avec le fric (si il en reste).
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Ruineur de Clavier
Messages : 639
Inscription : 14 sept. 2004, 10:38
Localisation : Paris

Réponse de FPG :

thank you for your message.
We do not have any update to publicize at the moment, though we are
still working on the release in the best condition.
For further updates, please subscribe to the newsletter on our website
if you have not yet.
We apologize for the delay, and thank you for your patience while we
work to complete this release.

First Press Games

En gros : attend et fais pas chier !
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Empereur Bydo
Messages : 3934
Inscription : 07 avr. 2007, 10:54

Au moins ils t'ont répondu :D

Après qu'ils aient bloqué leur twitter pour empêcher de poster des commentaires sur leurs fausses news, à ce stade c'est beau d'avoir une pseudo réponse de leur part.
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Radiant Silverpost
Messages : 1071
Inscription : 09 juin 2021, 12:26
Localisation : Bordeaux/Clermont-Fd

Pseudo-réponse sans doute envoyée de la plage aux îles Caïmans.